Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Outside Lab


     The lab on September 25, 2012 took place around Mercer University's campus. We walked from the Science and Engineering Building to Tatnall Square Park and observed many different types of trees, bushes, and flowers. We learned how to identify the different plants based on their leaves, scents, and texture. We also took a couple of measurements to figure out the height of a couple of trees. It was a very interesting and informative session.

3 Types of Trees

Pecan Tree (Carya illinoinensis):
     One of the first trees that we came across was a Pecan Tree. It is native to south part of the United States. It is famous for its nut, the pecan, and whether or not it is pronounced "pea-can" or "pah-con." The word "pecan" originates from an Algonquian word that means a nut that requires a stone to crack, according to Wikipedia.
     I also calculated the height of the tree using a simple formula. I stood a distance back from the base of the tree and used a used a clinometer to find the top of the tree. I then measured the distance from the base of the tree to where we were standing and that measurement was my 'B.' Then I measured the height from the ground to my eye and that measurement was my 'A.' I then added A + B to get the height of the tree. In this instance the numbers in the formula were 69 cm + 1920 cm = 1989 cm.

Douglas Fir (Pinaceae pseudotsuga):
     The last tree that we measured on our adventure was the Douglas Fir. After using the same A + B = height of the tree formula, we found out that it was 2064 cm. The Douglas Fir's wood is used in construction because of it's ability to withstand high weight loads. They are native to the west and east coasts of the United States.

Bradford Pear (Pyrus calleryana):
     This tree is native to China and Vietnam, but has taken root here in America. The Bradford Pear tree is notorious for its white five-petal flower and atrocious odor in early spring. The trees are very resistant to sickness and are destroyed more often than not by storms.

3 Types of Bushes

Loraetalum (Loropetalum chinensis):
     This bush has the burgundy color leaves in the spring and the long narrow pink flowers. It can grow to be up to 10 feet tall and 10 feet wide.

Virginia sweetspire (Itea virginica):
     This bush is commonly referred to as Virginia sweetspire. It is an easy plant to care for because it is a very adaptable plant. It can either be grown in the presence of full sunlight or partial sunlight. When it blooms, it has a sweet aroma and tiny white flowers.

Sago palm (Cycas revoluta):
     This plant is not a palm at all, but a cycad according to Wikipedia. It has the appearance of a palm tree that has stopped growing because it is low to the ground. It is a very poisonous plant to both animals and humans if it is ingested.

3 Types of Flowers

Snapdragons (Plantaginaceae antirrhinum):
     This flower received its name because the flowers resemble a dragon's mouth. You are able to open and close the flowers when you squeeze them. When their flowers bloom, they are either a red, white, or pink. A snapdragons grow to either be 6-8 inches tall (dwarf), 15-30 inches tall (medium), or 30-48 inches (tall). They are perennial plants and usually grow best in full or partial sun.

Angel Trumpets (Datureae brugmansia):
     These flowers received its name because they look like angels are playing trumpets from heaven. They produce a fragrance in the evenings during mating season to attract the pollinating moths. The plant grows to be between 2.6-4.9 feet tall. They now mostly planted to be ornamental plants.

Monkey Grass (Ophiopogon japonicus):
     This type of flower is a low growing flower. Its leaves are 20-40 centimeters long, its flowers are white, and its fruit is a little blue berry. It is mostly grown as an ornamental ground-cover. It was used in traditional Chinese medicine for yin deficiency.

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